• Added error checking and documentation to emphasize that deviationThroughTime() needs at least two raster layers
  • Updated the process of calculating stability from deviationThroughTime() so that it only requires one step, via the function stabilityCalc(). This calculation is more robust to 0 values in the raster that results from deviationThroughTime.
  • Updated functions to use terra package instead of raster.
  • Fix typos in vignettes
  • deviationThroughTime() does not change your working directory anymore
  • add a fileExtension argument in deviationThroughTime to support more file extensions
  • allow the use of all formats supported in raster::writeFormats() in deviationThroughTime() through the fileExtension argument
  • The package now follows most of goodpractice recommendations
  • Fixed algorithmic error in deviationThroughTime().
  • The package now works.